Monday, January 15, 2024

December 31st (New Years Eve-Cleaning Main Level/Breakfast Casserole's/Fancy Dinner/Chocolate Fondue/Games/Happy New Year)

I got the house cleaned up today with a little help from Nick.
I worked my butt off to get everything in order around here, ugh.
I also made this yummy breakfast casserole for in the morning, plus one more to freeze for another weekend. It's so yummy!

This year I got the fondue made early before dinner and used my new fondue pot Nick bought me last year for Christmas. Now I can keep it warm while we eat dinner.
Our Traditional Crab Legs, Steak, Twice Baked Potatoes dinner! Yummy, lets eat!
Adelyn is just as good as me opening Crab Legs, I have raised her well!
After dinner we turned on the New Years Eve shows on tv. 
Ella liked this song and started dancing! Wahoo.

Mayva always in the kitchen waiting for extra food to drop.

I wanted a family photo before dessert!

All set up! This was so yummy! Everyone enjoyed.

Then we made Adelyn play games with us for about 30 minutes then she ditched us! Boo!

Started this puzzle!
Everything is cleaned up and Ella is in bed around 10!
I got a glass of champagne with raspberry ice cubes, delicious! 
Walked over to find Nick asleep already!

Happy New Year by myself!! Haha.
Hopeful for a happy, healthy 2024!!


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