Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 19th (Stay At Home Date Night-Tomahawk Steak/Home Made Creme Brulee)

I told Nick yesterday we should have a date night at home.
So we got out this Tomahawk Steak to cook. I made crème Brule this morning for after dinner! 
We got the girls McDonald's for dinner. Then they went upstairs, while we got to make dinner for ourselves.
We didn't cook on the grill because it was freezing again!!

Unfortunately the steak didn't turn out as well, but it was ok. Seemed tuff for some reason. 
My new bag came in the mail to store my homemade bread.
Well we got Ella to bed then it was time to watch some Netflix and eat some Crème Brule.
Had to torch it first!!

Well this turned out sooo delicious luckily!! 
It isn't hard to make but you have to bake it perfectly!!
But so so yummy!!


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