Tuesday, January 2, 2024

December 20th (360 Sweatshirts/Treats/Erica's House-Annual Christmas Get Together)

We got the 360 sweatshirts! Yay! Now to gift them to Nick's workers and family.
I whipped up some treats for Erica's house this afternoon.
Ugh I am tired, been so busy and it's just going to get crazier!!
Hot Chocolate bar at Erica's...looks great!
Thanks for hosting, since my house is under construction.

Look at these grown up looking girls! Where did our babies go?

I brought us Starbucks!

Fun J-Lo drink Erica got! With cute orange ice cubes!!

We are doing a mug exchange this year!

Ella with Poppy.

Ella got a donut one I brought but Bridget switched with her, she had the Grinch.

Ella was off playing with the puppies. 
She played with them like the whole time!
Now time to watch a Christmas Movie from Netflix.
Erica's puppies are so sweet.
Wes is home just in time to take our group picture!!
What a great time hanging out. 
I always wish it is longer!!
Merry Early Christmas!!
Tonight I came home made alfredo pasta for dinner with crunchy chicken. 
Nick came home before us, called and told me he feels sick. Oh geez, no right before Christmas!!
Ugh!! So he took a shower and went to bed.
I got Ella to bed and sat down finally to eat some Chocolate covered strawberries before I headed to bed in the guest room! I don't want to chance getting sick before Christmas. I will at least stay out of the bed until his fever goes away!! 


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