Saturday, January 6, 2024

December 23rd (LaMar's Donuts/Pretzels/Christmas Lights as A Family-Ridgeview & Olathe Community Center)

Well I woke up early on purpose to go grab some much needed donuts!! I am exhausted/not sleeping well in that guest room/or the couch! So I needed dounts! These are so the best! The girls were excited too!
Made all the pretzels today!! Yummy but they take forever!
Nick is feeling better today! Yay! No more fever so I can sleep in my own bed again.
We ate dinner then headed out to see lights.
Ridgeview Neighborhood, some people do some great lights and others do non. Wish they did it like when I was a kid still.
Then across the way from the neighborhood is the house with HUGE inflatables!

Community Center lights are my favorite!!
Ella wanted her picture taken at every spot this year!

Love the reflections!!
Family photo!

It's just so breath taking!

It's all so pretty.

Loved seeing all the lights as a family.
Ready for Christmas!! And hoping I don't get sick from Nick!! Fingers crossed.


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