Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 24th (1st Day of Homeschool-Math Sheet/Computer/Reading/Science/Fried Chicken)

 Adelyn did her math work sheet I found and printed off then she told me she wanted to do computer. They were working on a spreadsheet at school of using $200 dollars to have a party. They got to use the Walmart online website to find their supplies. Sounds fun!
 Ella and I worked on a sheet filling in letters and working on sounds. Then we did math with easter eggs.
Then they had indoor recess after we ate lunch and played in boxes again.

Reading Easter books with Ella.
Read Aloud with Addie.
Science time...making bouncy balls!!

At first we didn't think it was working but then they started to come together better.
They bounced just wasn't as firm as a bouncy ball. 
But cool that it worked!!

Made fried chicken for dinner tonight!! Yummy!!
The neighbors Bill and Heather stopped by and hung near the garage...we all caught up!!
Loving this nice weather so we can hang out with people outside.

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