Wednesday, March 4, 2020

February 18th (Celebrating Ella B-day @ School/Cheerleading)

Ella is ready for school today!
I am bringing treats up later to celebrate her birthday to her CBR class!! Yay.
She was so happy to see me at 2 pm...I brought up vanilla yogurt with cool whip! 
One of her favorites that she wanted! Yummy.
She got a new puppy from her Para Heather for her sweet!

Ella's CBR class minus a couple kids!

Happy little big 8 year old!!
Well I stayed and she made me come back later to come get her. She loves school so much!
 Cheer today!! Yay.
 So today I told the high school coaches that they need to tell the girls to do the actual somersault in the routine because Ella plus a lot more weren't doing them just 1/2 doing them! Soooo now they are! Hahaha.

 Isabella, Ella, Asha, and Breanna. They got backpacks from the last competition!! Sooo cool!
Fun day at Cheer....Ella has been really liking it this year!! 3rd year almost in the books!

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