Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 19th (Store/Jumping in Puddles/Painting/Water Balloon Fight/Walk/Grilling)

This morning I ran out by myself to the store and left the girls alone! I don't want to bring them to the store because of the corona virus and I wanted to get it done before Nick got home.
I grabbed a few things for friends today!!
When I got home the rain stopped so Ella wanted to jump in puddles like Peppa Pig!!

Happiest Smile!!
Ella wanted me to join!! Ok!
 The girls decided to paint stuff today!! Ok.

Auntie Lisa gave the girls these Easter things to paint at Ella's birthday!

 It is getting warmer and drying up outside!! Ella loves to just lay on the deck!
 After lunch the girls convinced me to let them have a water balloon fight!! Ok!
 Having fun throwing them!

Love that smile!
Spraying her with water.

Bubbles also!

 Playing outside!! Loving this weather.
 The girls and I went for a walk with Mayva in the afternoon!!
I got this blue moon 95 calorie drinks are amazing!! Love them!!
To end our great day we grilled out Brats and cheesy potatoes!
I really enjoyed spending time with the girls today. I am not minding sleeping in and just enjoying life!

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