Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 17th (Happy St. Patrick's Day...I guess??)

Started our first puzzle today!!
I made pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting!! Yum-o!
More water bead fun for Ella.

We finally got ready later in the day for St. Patricks day...Nick got home and we headed over to my parents since they have been quarantined also!
My brother joined us, he has been following the guidelines as well.

Cute little girls!

 I made brownies, baked Hawaiian roll sandwiches and rotel! But you need your Lysol wipes with your dessert!! Ha.

These 95 calorie blue moons are soooo delicious!!!
We had a fun time being around some other people....weird St. Pats this year! 
No Big!
(Side note: We also found out today that we our OUT of School for the REST of the year!! They will be implementing some type of schooling in the next few weeks to do at home!! SAY WHAT!! HOMESCHOOL.....oh no!! )

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