Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 16th (Busy Day/Wii Bowling/Water Heater Out)

So I made some lists for the girls and for me to give us ideas during our "stay at home time"!!
We got our water beads today...the girls are super excited!!
I got them off amazon...50,000!!
They are so tiny.
 They each got a bin to pour some in!! Now just to wait a couple hours to make them bigger.
I got the Easter out so the girls NEEDED to have an Easter Egg Hunt to practice for Easter! ha. Ok.
They are so excited.....running around.

Time for water beads!!
The 2 year olds play with them at my daycare all the girls loved them also.
Ella especially!

 We have been watching lego masters so Adelyn has been building more creatively with her legos!
Ella is trying in her own way.
Concert going on!!

Fort building with school idea for the day!

I made chicken fajita soup in the crockpot and Nick brought home Corona's to drink with our Mexican!!
After dinner time for some family Wii!

 Sooooo after we played Wii I just happen to walk back in the guest room in the basement and the carpet was all WET!!! Oh SHit!! Our water heater finally bit the dust....I mean it was only 23 years old, when the house was built! Ugh!
I kept telling my husband to change it for the last few years but it obviously didn't happen!

  Luckily it didn't ruin anything new in our basement!!
This is old carpet, but it will still suck to fix all of this!!
On a good note we know a friend now, Rob Stiver whos brother is a plumber.
Nick ran and got a water heater while Rob grabbed his brother to come put it in!!
Thank you thank you!!! Yay to knowing the right peeps!!

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