Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 10th (Work/Cheerleading)

I am busy this week working and life!!
I worked from 8:30-2 today and will be tomorrow also.
I worked in the 1 year old room with one of my favorite ladies, Teri. 
We are both obsessed with talking and sharing our knowledge about coronavirus...we have been preparing for the last week.
It's going to get crazy up in here.
I have really been enjoying working my co workers!!
I also signed Addie up for 2 art classes today with JCCC!!
Yay she is so excited.
 We took pictures in the uniforms today...some people forgot and we are missing some! Oh Well!

 Too bad Ella didn't really smile! Lol.

 Now she smiles with the helper girls!
We love KC Cheer!!
Go Firecrackers.
(Side note: Who would have thought this would be our last practice and we wouldn't be doing our last performance!!)

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