Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 21st (Squish Oo's/Boxes/Scavenger Hunt/Mint Ice Cream)

 I would like to trade places with him sometimes! You look comfy Oliver!!

Pictures for my hunt above!!
Squish O's...this one is as big as Ella's head!! 
Wow it is filled with fake fun.

 Puzzle completed today!
Playing with boxes from water heater almost all day today!
They had their own so that totally helped with not fighting!!

Happy girls!
New puzzle started!!
We all got dressed finally in the middle of the day and went for a long walk to find things for my scavenger hunt!! Yay! Adelyn was excited to help.
Sign that starts with the first letter of my name! Easy.
Barely sat on the slide...didn't let the kids play...sorry Ella.
Trash can.
Love our walks...we sure have been doing a lot of them! Ha.
Selfie with a statue and a fountain, below.

Bird perched.
Reflection of the trees!
 This bridge is so pretty!

Family selfie!!
The sun looked so pretty today with the clouds!!
We took a super long walk...yay we even saw some friends and said hello along the way.
I peeked inside Heather's house to see her new floors and leopard stair carpet!!
I love them!!
We made more homemade ice cream oreo chip!!
It was super minty but yummy!!

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