Wednesday, April 10, 2019

March 31st (Happy 12 year Anniversary/Lots of Working Day)

 My basket of 12 items for Nick that I love about him!! He was so surprised that I did this. I told him no gifts but I thought of this cute idea and wanted to do it for him.
This morning I slept in a little then got up to head to menards with nick to get a new door to our basement. Then McDonald's for some quick breakfast.
Back to the house for Nick to meet Rick to put in the cabinets in the basement and for me to head to my parents to pick up the girls.
 Looking good guys. I am sooo excited.

Wow love it!! 
This is going to be so wonderful in the summer!!
New door going in!

Loving the color in the bathroom and new fixture!
I came home with the girls.
While Nick left and ran around like a chicken with his head cut off going to prep two side jobs they will pour after work this week!
So pretty much didn't see my husband till 6:30 pm for dinner I made along with Nick's sister and brother who joined us! Hahaha.
Happy Anniversary Hubby!!

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