Monday, April 22, 2019

April 8th (No more Tooth Fairy??)

Adelyn lost her tooth this morning!!
Trying to get back into a workout routine...went for a walk/run with my friend Ruth!!
 I went up to Addie's class today to snap some pictures of the class to send into the year book. These 4th graders are too cute.

So tonight I tried to sneak into Addie's room to be the tooth fairy but I went in to soon and she was FAKE sleeping. She said caught you!! Oh wow...geez! I mean I know she is about to be 10 and find out sometime soon. But we had a little talk and she still believes in Santa and Easter Bunny...haha! I guess we will see how it goes. 
I am so sad that she doesn't believe anymore but I hated being the tooth fairy!!

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