Monday, April 8, 2019

March 22nd (1st Volleyball practice and Mother/Son Event)

Adelyn headed off to volleyball practice with Daddy and Ella while I headed up to CT to put on the Mother/Son Event...that had been postponed from February ice storm!! I am so ready for this to be over.
Mother/Son Event 2019

Cookies and water bottles ready to go for the boys. (Blue Chip Cookies for the Win!!)

Basketball games are going.

Some 4th grade boys!!
5th Grade boys.
Lots of swimming and fighting>?? I don't understand boys??
Nate and Trey
(Their moms below!)

Winner of the Lego set from the raffle.
Emoji Float winner for best jumps in the pool!!
5th Grade boys with their mom's!! No more events with their sons! Sad!!
Melissa with her 5th grader.
Dana and Hunter.
Sarah and Eli.
Ruth and Noah.
Carmen and Ellis.
After the dance I cleaned up with Lizzie's help. Then I headed home to go pick up Ruth and head out to Coach's for some drinks with some other mom's. 
I was waiting and Ruth came over to neighbors were I was...they thought we were watching! 
Had to get a picture together!!
Fun little night out with mom friends. It was nice to just catch up.
And it is super nice to be done with my PTO duties!!
Bam What!! 
(Yes this is a quote from Live and Maddie!)

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