Monday, April 22, 2019

April 12th (Resurrection rolls at April's house/Pallet wall!!)

We headed over to the Tebbe's house around 10:30 to make resurrection rolls!
We have never made them since we usually have plans on this I was excited to try them.
You use crescent rolls, marshmallows rolled in cinnamon with sugar.
It represents Jesus in his tomb and rising again.
 April telling the girls the story about Jesus. Then everyone got to make their own.

 New friend from 2nd grade with Lauren.

 Boys are up now.



 Big kids playing ball! Adelyn with all the boys.
Ella playing the piano.
 Lauren, Claire and Nina. Having fun with the puppy.
 Nina's turn.
 The rolls are all finished!! Yummy!

The marshmallows melted into the crescent roll. 
They tasted super yummy.
After some more playing we headed to Culver's with April, Trey, Lauren, Ruth and Noah for lunch.
It was delicious...we love their fish sandwiches!!
We ate lunch late and got home after 2 pm.
Ella opted to relax on the deck with her puppy!!

Nick got the pallet wall up today!! Yay!! He needs to frame it out but it looks amazing. We used the same flooring we used on the wall! We love it!! The basement is really coming along!! Great job you!!

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