Monday, April 8, 2019

March 17th (Happy St. Patrick's Day)

 Blowing bubbles.
1st time for Ella actually blowing bubbles...she used her nose!! Go Ella!
Slim Chickens had FREE fried pickles for the first 30 people today so we got there before 11...1st customer!! They are sooo yummy.

We all took showers and are ready to head over to Grandma and Grandpa's.

Nice day outside!!
 Neighbor John, friend Jerry and Uncle Steve!
Uncle Steve got to come with us to enjoy St. Patrick's day fun with us!

 Adelyn was my little side kick all day!
Keri and I hung out a drank some beer together....I needed a break!!
 Lots of friends and lots of food!!

Me and my cousin Keri!! Love that she lives closer now.
Ella was running around the whole time.

My aunt Maggie...looking cute!
Ella got a big hat from Uncle Dan!

3 Generations!
Me and my mom!!
Great St. Patrick's Day with friends and family!!

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