Thursday, March 14, 2019

March 5th (Ella's 1st Grade Musical)

2:30 performance

There is that smile...she found Grandma Joy and I in the audience!!
The Principal Mr. Korb announcing the show!
Dancing to the music.
Bray my friend from high school, Bethany's little boy.
They are all doing great!
Rainbow at the end of the show!

Kayla in Ellas class. Her parents own The Taco Food Truck!
Wow what a great job they all did! Ella even had a speaking part with her Talker!
So Happy her Grandma Joy got to come meet us!
Her Program!

Well we ran home got a snack. Then ran to cheerleading but left early to come home make a quick dinner. 
Ran out the door to get to the 6:30 pm performance with Daddy and Addie this time.
I had a back up shirt for tonight! Ha.

Ella laughing at Tyler behind her...he really got into his dancing!! He even had a singing part! Great job Tyler. (He is in CBR with Ella.)

NO WEEDS, NO WEEDS!! That was the song...telling those weeds to leave the flowers alone!!
Great job Ella!
Love you Ella Bella...we are so proud of you!!

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