Sunday, March 3, 2019

February 24th (Isabella's B-Day Party/Basement Updates)

 Time to let our inner cow girls on and ready to go to a horse birthday!!

 We headed out to a horse barn where Isabella takes lessons at....she was so excited for everyone to come.
Ready to ride.

 All the kids!!
 Pretty barn. Lots of horses.
 Time to learn how to groom a horse.
 Silly little dog running around.

Ella helping brush.
 I even ran into Ashley Hughes from High School and her daughter Ava! She is in Isabella's class this year. How fun to catch up a little.

 Isabella is a pro at riding!! Wow she hasn't had a lot of lessons but did great...even went on her own.

 Ava was not thrilled with getting on the horse she had never done it before and Ashley had left! Poor thing...she did great though.

 Here goes Ella! She is super excited.
Love this shot!! Her expression is amazing.

 Well then there was a hawk that flew into the barn so we had to immediately get the girls off the horses before the horses got spooked! Time for a break to get the Hawk out! Cake and presents it is.
 Loved us singing to her.

Unicorn birthday!
 All the other kids got a turn and then Ella got one more since hers was cut short earlier.

Group Birthday Shot!!
Last but not least the pinata!!

 Wow what an awesome birthday! I have never been to a horse birthday before. Very cool they did a great job. Happy Birthday Isabella!!
Nick and Jeff went and picked up our cabinets...yay!! The basement is coming along finally!!
 Luckily Nick's Dad's best friend is a contractor and came to help with dry wall!!
 It's starting to look like a basement.
Soon to be reading nook for the girls. Adelyn is excited about this place!!

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