Sunday, March 3, 2019

March 2nd (Hunter's 10th b-day party @ Great Wolf Lodge)

Adelyn, Daphne and Amelia...ready to go swim.
 I brought all of them along with Eli...oh the conversations they had in the car...why do they have to keep getting older!! Wahhhhh
Missing a few still but Hunter is in the middle!
I left and headed home to do laundry.
Erin sent me a few pictures of Addie having a great time.

Adelyn was there from 9:45 am and didn't get home till almost 3:30.
She said it was super fun!!
Mean while this was Ella this morning...crunches plus Tablet??
After Addie got home the girls watched tv and relaxed. 
We grilled out hamburgers for dinner since it will be another snow storm tomorrow!! Ugh no more snow please!!

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