Monday, March 18, 2019

March 13th- 3rd Day of Spring Break (360 Gym w/friends and Delaney Staying the Night)

 Look at my helper this morning! Today I planned to hang out in the morning, eat lunch at home then hit up 360 with friends around 1.
It's packed with kids!! Rainy days will do that on Spring Break.
Ella doesn't care...she just wants to have fun!!
 Delaney, Eli and Addie making a obstacle course!

Look what they made for awesome fort! Great job guys.

Adelyn just hanging out in a cool chair!
They had a great time at 360....2 hours was my limit. Lets go back home w/Delaney and play!
I made fried chicken tenders and salad for dinner. Yum0.
Then the girls watched Jaws 2 (okay-ed by Janet)
And to end the night ice cream sundaes!

The girls had a blast playing in Adelyn's room. Then they made a fort to sleep in...which they couldn't to hot and claustrophobic!! After 11 pm Delaney and Addie finally went to bed. Great night!! Delaney is so sweet and funny!

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