Monday, March 18, 2019

March 11th (1st Day of Spring Break-Daphne and Violet Play date)

 This was such a sweet moment. I asked the girls to go mail the bills and they started holding hands both ways! OOhhhh I love and cherish these moments!
 After lunch Daphne and Violet came over to play while Lizzie got stuff done before Mexico tomorrow!
 They sure love each other...playing with erasers! (Animal/food erasers are the craze if you didn't
Cuties playing in Ella's room.
After some playing..there started to be some fighting so time to head to the playground on this gorgeous day!!

 We haven't been to the playground in forever!!! Lots of people had the same idea...lots of kids coming to play.
Ella loves to swing.
Having fun.
Lizzie met us there, so we got to chat which was nice since we have been busy and haven't hung out in awhile!!
Then we went our separate ways.
Ella wanted to play more we went for a walk with her baby!
Loving this weather too bad it is going to rain the next few days!
I am excited about sleeping in tomorrow..hopefully the girls do too!!

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