Saturday, October 6, 2018

September 30th (Day 3-Getting out of the Hospital/Deanna Rose w/Microcephaly Families on Micro Day)

This is what Ella's head looked like under the wrapping. Lots of wires with glue!
I told the nurses and doctor this morning as soon as they could get us out of here that would be amazing!!
We left around 10:15!!
Wahooooo that place is horrible...the food is disgusting and being in one room for 3 days sucked. 
Glad to be free headed home to get some real lunch and take showers!

Adelyn tye died it!
All bathed and ready for Microcephaly Awareness Day!!
Pictures below are some friends showing support to Ella on this day:
Kaitlyn, Jake and Emma.
 My newly rekindled friend Shari from Middle school wearing YELLOW for Ella! Thanks girl.
Violet and Daphne!!
After lunch time to head to Deanna Rose to meet up with two other micro families.
Angelina, Jessie, Anika and Carson are from Wichita...met them 2 years ago.
And a new family Shelly, her husband, Mariska and Alexis that live near Liberty!!
 Ready to start our day all the fall decor at Deanna Rose!!

Anika is here!!
She is so sweet and friendly!

 Anika with her Dad. They have never been here yet! The kids are loving all the animals.

 Went in the school house for the first time!

Carson is snoozing.

Baby cows!!
Anika wanted Nick to hold her!! 
Love this connection we have with other micro families!!

Petting the cow.

 The cow almost licked Ella's face...haha.

 Our new friends are here to hang out!
 Instant friends here!!
Mariska (11), Anika (9), Adelyn (9), Ella (6) and Alexis (9).

 Love this one of them!!

 I get Anika kind of looking then Ella isn't..haha oh well love the action shots!
 These two became two peas in a pod right away. They are super similar also. So glad we have gotten to meet them because Alexis also has PMG like Ella! Yay...someone around us that has the same diagnosis!! Amazing!

 Tractor time.

Nick is so great to help with Ella. 

Adelyn and Mariska bonded also...nice to have a friend to hang out with!!

 Love this shot of Nick with Alexis! Sweet moments!!

Play ground fun!!

Pigs are my favorite.

 Sweet Mariska helping out Ella.
 Holding hands walking together.

 Love this shot!! Everyone is looking! Mom's and their daughters!!
We also got a group shot but waiting to get it from Shelly's husband!
After this everyone had to leave.
This was such an amazing experience with these families. I love being able to be around families with kids with micro or PMG!! They just get what you are going through.
We ran over to Hyvee after Deanna Rose to get stuff to grill out dinner. 
And I was lucky enough to find CLEARLY CANADIAN!!
Oh my goodness I was soooo excited...I have been dreaming of this day.
We grilled out and just relaxed the rest of the day.
(Oh and everything seemed to be fine with Ella's medicine...she isn't experiencing any seizures!!Yay!!)

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