Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 6th (Volleyball Game/Erin's Divorce & Birthday Outing)

My new earrings from Mindy...PMG Colors!! Wahoo.
Adelyn had a 3:30 game today...kind of late....go team Crush!

 Adelyn did great at serving!!
Me and my little girl!!
(And some creepy woman behind us...hahha)

 Well they won one of the three games!
Time for a group photo while everyone is here!
 These girls are just too cute!!

 Coaches with the cute!
I needed one of these after dealing with a bunch of texts with the ladies on driving to dinner! Oh geez! Lol..excited for tonight though.
We ate dinner at K-Macho's in Overland Park.

Happy birthday and Happy divorce Erin??!!! LoL.
Wow Sarah are you a little hungry??
Next stop One Block South for a live band!! Whoop Whoop.
Selfie didn't work out good.

 Me, April, Sarah, Erin and Carrie.
What a fun night we had. We danced and danced until our feet almost fell off. We danced at the live band and then over at the hip hop club!! Love these girls!

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