Thursday, October 18, 2018

October 14th (Louisburg Cider Mill w/ Simmon's Family)

Ella and Aubree...too cute!!
 Checking out all the pumpkins! They moved them off the grass since it had been raining.
 I love all these pictures with the girls! They are just getting so big now!!

 Had to take off the was a little chilly today.
 Love it...these girls are ready for Halloween!!
 Family photo...awkward places to stand or sit...hahaha.

 Running on hay!! Always fun.
 Love the little now bigger store they have!!
 Love this photo...they are just too precious!!

 They are all adorable!! I can't choose which one I love the most!!

 Silly picture time.
Time to eat donuts and drink some hot apple cider!!

 I ran into an old friend Michelle as they all walked around!
 Family photo opp number 2! Not much better...haha.

This is probably the best! Ha.
Well we stayed only for a little while since it was super cold out and a bit misty out. But the girls all got to do a bounce slide or obstacle course then we all bounced on out of here!!
We headed home and I made appetizers for lunch! Yum then made cubed steaks for dinner on this cold day.

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