Sunday, October 28, 2018

October 20th (PMG Race/Last Volleyball Game & Lunch/Halloween Movie)

 We are already for the PMG Race at our house!!
 Friends are arriving!!
Ella is soo excited to see her friend Violet!!
 Tessa, Daphne and Addie.

 All the kids are ready to run!!
Kaitlyn, Aubree, Ella, Violet, Emma, Jake, Emerson, Daphne, Adelyn, Bridget and Tessa.

 Silly Photo.
 Stretching out.

Baby Max is here!!
Family Photo!!

 Group Photos!!! happy everyone could come to support Ella.

 Ok time to go race finally!!

 They are off!!! Lets Go!!

 Daphne and Tessa.
 Here comes Addie.

 Here comes Bridget.
 Kaitlyn and Emma.
 Emerson and Violet.

 Here comes Ella and Daddy.

 Carrie and Jake.

 Uncle Steve and Heather.

 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!!
Jeff, Max and Sheri.

 Go Bridget.

 My parents!!
 Violet and Emerson.

 Aubree, Erica and Wes.
 Here comes Ella to finish up the race.

 Here comes Ella and Jake...coming up to the finish.
(Ella is holding her stomach because she got a side ache)

 Lizzie and Brent.
 Enjoying some snacks.
Uncle Steve.
Thanks for coming Simmon's family.
 We love you Ella!!!

Max with Nana.
Time for everyone to leave and we are going to go inside to play with Max for awhile since he is crawling around now.

Having fun playing instruments with Max.

Time to head to Adelyn's last Volleyball Game!
 Riley's dad helping out!
 Adelyn got 5 over!! Go Addie.

 They just won the second set!!

 Cutie Max came to root Adelyn on!!
Next stop Pizza Shoppe for lunch with the Volleyball team!
 Missing a couple girls that didn't make the last game...but everyone got to sit with each other for lunch!!

 Nick and Steve.
 Me and Sheri.
 Jeff and Nick.

 Giving Matt his coach gift!!

Max enjoying time with his uncle!!
Such a cutie!!

We went home for a little while then Addie went over to Delaney's to stay the night!!
After Ella went to bed...Grace came over to babysit so Nick and I could go to the movies to see HALLOWEEN!!! Yay!!
It was so good...loved being able to have a little time with my hubby.

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