Thursday, October 18, 2018

October 13th (Volleyball Game/Baby Max)

 We played at the middle school so Violet and Ella enjoyed the table with writing and all of their toys!!

 5 in a row...go Addie!!

 Well they lost by 2 the first set, won the 2nd set and then lost the 3rd went down hill by the 3rd set! Oh geez. Adelyn is still playing great...but I will admit some of the players maybe shouldn't play. sports gotta love them.
Max and Jeff stopped bye!
 Look at this adorable baby almost one year old in a couple of months!!
He has a sippy cup with water and baby food for us to feed him.....the girls even got to help me.
 Adelyn loved helping.
 He ate it fast!!
Pulling up to standing and crawling around everywhere!! 
Go Max!!
Ella playing with Max. They sure loved their baby cousin.
After Jeff and Max left we headed out for dinner at parents were suppose to join but David didn't feel well so we went anyways!
It is sooooo good.....I could eat here everyday!!

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