Monday, November 20, 2017

October 31st (Happy Halloween)

Ready for school on Halloween. She is excited for her party.
Happy Halloween from Snapchat!!

Love my Hallowine shirt from my friend Debbie last year.
Time for the parade and Halloween party.
Adelyn is a Dark Princess.

My mom picked up Ella from school so I could enjoy hanging with Addie at her party by ourselves.
Nora and Addie.
Here comes Mr. O the Bee keeper and all his worker bees!! Cute idea.
Claire and Lauren.
We waited a long time to see 3rd grade and 5th grade...then they came running in super late. So I couldn't grab a picture of Adelyn since they ran bye.
So I met her back at her party.
Eating snack.
Yum pudding. a picture for his mom who couldn't make it.
Time for games!
Mummy wrap.

Choosing their prizes.

Racing Cade with a pumpkin on her head...she beat him twice. He couldn't balance very well. lol
Pumpkin bowling.
Witch hat game.

Tattoo's on the mom's tongues.

Adelyn and JM...he is a silly boy.
Tried to get a pic of Adelyn, Daphne and Holly but Clara jumped in.
Another girl jumped in this time.
The girls opened their gifts from me...Halloween fun.

Our friends showed up and they got to give the first trick or treaters some candy.
Eating their dinner and ready to go trick or treat soon.
Grandma is here. 
Ella is ready...Uma from Descendants 2.
These girls are ready to go...even though it is freezing outside.

Family Halloween 2017
Adelyn (Dark Princess), Daphne (White Leopard), Ella (Uma), Violet (Cool Kitty), Carder (Construction Worker), Noah (Ninjago), and Tucker (Police Man).
They all look so adorable.

Here we go!! Candy time!!

We made a stop at Bekah's to get hot cider she made...yum and we got to pee. Hehehe!
After an hour or more we left to go home to potty and get the car. Then we were off to drive to our friends Daphne and Violets to trick or treat...they thought it would be cool if we stopped by. Made there night.

Next stop Erin/Nora's house. Erin was dressed up as her spider costume...super awesome.
We got home and the girls opened their Halloween gifts from my mom.
Cute Beanie Boo Bat.
New chapter books...yay.
One piece of candy for the girls and they were off to bed.
We did two trunk or treats and trick or treated and had this much candy!! Wow too much! Had a great time tonight with friends.

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