Saturday, November 11, 2017

October 29th (Cookie Decorating/Roof/Play Practice/Trunk or Treat)

Sweet sisters cuddling on the couch.
Then they started holding hands...It made Ella smile so big!!
I love this!
 Heart Full!!!!!!!
Time to decorate the cookies I made a little earlier.
Adelyn got to make some before she had to go to dance/play practice.

 Pretty Mayva laying in the leaves....the season is changing.
Jeff came over to help Nick get the shingles finally up on the deck roof!!

 I dropped Addie off at play practice then headed home to finish doing the cookies. And then got Ella changed to go to the trunk or treat at legacy church where adelyn is going to do the musical at in December.
Sophia the 1st and a leopard!

 Awesome Scooby Doo Trunk with a Mystery Machine Van photo opp!! My girls love Scooby Doo!!

 Time to head home and eat dinner and sort their candy.

Happy girls today. Packed full day but lots of Halloween Fun.
We love the Rainbow mouth.

I love this make-up for Halloween. I wish Snapchat could do my make up!! Lol.

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