Monday, November 20, 2017

November 10th (Dapne's birthday sleepover)

It's been cold around here and Oliver loved sleeping on the vent this afternoon.
After school it was time to get ready for Daphne's Birthday.

I ran into drop Adelyn off to the party..had to grab a pic. 
Then Nick, Ella and I were off to Carraba's for dinner and to Chuckie Cheese for a little fun!

 I think Ella loved all the one on one time with us. Dinner was great with her and all the games. Super easy with just fighting! Ha!

Happy girl getting to choose whatever she wanted to do tonight.

 We bought Ella a sucker and Adelyn one. She was soooo excited...$1.50 well spent on it!
I then put Ella to bed and headed over to Lizzie's house since the McCloskey girls surprised Daphne at her birthday party tonight!! The mom's knew but the girls were soooo excited. Sure miss these three girls.

April McCloskey talking about chips and cheese dip. Her hand of light from God. Lol. This was funny.
I wanted Daphne to open our present since it is perfect for her. The girls were playing so much she forgot to open her I get to see her reaction..yay.

 Our gift a cheetah surprise with babies!! YES YES YES...too cute.

 Daphne passed out slipper socks and masks for the girls to use and take home!

These baby cheetahs are soooo cute! I want some! hahaha
 We needed a mom picture before we all left!!
Love great surprises when they turn out so EPIC!! LOL.

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