Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November 17th (Hurts Donuts/Mom's Night Out)

 So our school had a fundraiser with Hurts Donuts to raise money for 5th grade Legacy gift/party. We decided to buy some and try them. I would hope they are better fresher in Wichita...I didn't like them at all. But I love fresh donuts so maybe that's why. Nick and the girls still ate them and had no complaints.

Oh to school they go with some sugar in their system. ha.
Today I was so excited for because Ruth, Lizzie and I were going to the Christmas Warehouse sale. Last year everything was 50% of sticker price but Ruth and I went later like the begining of December so this time we just bought Halloween decor. But we will be back for Christmas once it gets cheaper!
Then for the big win...K-Machos...we love us some cheese dip!!
Love spending time with these girls...wish Pamela could have joined us.

Not the best picture of Oliver. But I took a video of him laying on my car while I was backing up in my driveway. He didn't even care just laid there till I got out of the car to make him move!!

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