Wednesday, November 8, 2017

October 21st (Tulsa Day 2-Turkey Hill,Bass Pro, Ice Cream and Life Church)

 Big Girls ready to go hiking up Turkey Hill.

 Crossing a river.
 Look how cute these little girls are!!! I love these pictures.

Adelyn did it...she climbed to the top.

Lizzie have climbed up.

Taylor up top.

These girls had so much fun climbing.

Grant took such a great pic...I kept it because Adelyn was up top...super cute.
The three mom squad friends!
Grant helped Ella climb a little.

The whole crew....time to go hike up the hill/mountain.

Going down.
So after I took this selfie with us. I made fun of April being an airplane and I fell down the hill on the rocks. I was ok but couldn't stop laughing. And Grant got it all on video after I fell. LOL.

Love this picture of all the girls.
Now time to go grab some lunch at Bass pro shops restaurant. 
The kids were tired since they woke up early and are hungry. 
So it was nice to get some yummy food quickly.

We ate and then we headed upstairs to the Halloween free picture and activities.

Grant found a key at the park so he ran it back and we headed over to the ice cream shop nearby. was so good. We could add in as many toppings as we wanted.

Splits before Ice Cream.

Life Church Photo Opp!
And all we need is cheese dip and we are fine!!
 Cheese dip for the WIN!!! Lizzie brought K-machos cheese dip...score! The girls were super excited.


Ready to watch a movie together. The girls are getting tired and cranky!
Had to lay down the law a bit and the girls crashed out around 9:30. 
We stayed up again playing cards and catching up of course!!
Man I miss the McCloskey's!!

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