Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November 21st (Neurologist Appt/Cheer)

Moved all the Christmas bins in.
Today Ella and I headed downtown to her Neurologist appointment. Everything went great. Nick met us but it got to late so we couldn't eat lunch together. So Ella and I headed home to eat lunch and hang around home. Ella stayed home from school today since her appointment was in the middle of the day.
She fell asleep on the way home...silly girl it was before lunch even! 
I think she is more tired when she has a seizure at night..which she did early morning today while sleeping. Poor baby!
We came home ate lunch then my mom came over to watch Ella while I took Mayva up to the vet for an ear infection
Of course she wouldn't let the vet look in her ear...crazy experience but got the meds so I hope it helps her sooner than later. Poor puppy.

Cheer was a fun day since only 5 or 6 girls came due to Thanksgiving break!

Happy girl loves to cheer! They worked on a bigger pyramid today....really cool.
Long day for me...need some rest for sure tonight!

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