Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November 11th (Aubree's 5th B-day/Tulsa Friends Play date)

Aubree's swim party!! 

 Ella was in heaven and Adelyn was gone swimming!!

 Mia jumping.
Awesome cake Erica made..yummy as always.

 Erica I love this shot of you...hahaha.

 Only shot of Addie I got the whole time. She was swimming and sliding the whole time. After the party we headed home to change and have friends over for a play date with the McCloskey girls, Haag girls and Chan Boy.
 Daphne loves when I take her picture lately..haha.
 Taylor was so excited to see Ella!!

 Pepper in water magic trick. The kids got the magic book out to do some tricks for the mom's.
Reading to Ella.

 Pencil trick didn't work out.

 Trying to get a picture of all the kids together...this is what I got a bunch of tired girls from the b-day sleepover last night and crazy

 If you can't tell Adelyn is super tired!!
 Great afternoon...glad we got to play again with our friends the McCloskey's that were in town. We sure miss them!!
Love me some Hallmark Movies!!

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