Wednesday, August 2, 2017

July 30th (Sunday Funday)

Scooters with Daddy to the park.
Well Ella started off with the scooter but then changed to going in the stroller.
After the park we headed up to the movies to see Despicable Me 3!!
Trying to do a selfie...failed! ha

We loved the movie. Super funny and we loved the 80's music.
We came home ate a snack and decided to go swimming...nice thing about having a pool.
 Daddy pulling Ella around in her raft....she loved it.

This girl jumped on her Daddy and didn't want to leave. She is so cute.

 Silly not anyone paying attention to the selfie I am taking.
 Well Addie started running a low fever and not feeling well. So she passed out early with Daddy who has been working crazy early hours.

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