Friday, August 25, 2017

August 13th (Playgrounds with Friends/Gender Reveal Party)

1st stop Briarwood Elementary...Ella's soon to be new school.
Thought it might be fun to try our her new playground before she starts.
(Plus I wanted to make sure she could do a lot of it on her own! Mommies worry!)

Spinning contraptions everywhere! Wow what fun for them.

Mia and Ava our here to join us for some fun.

Next stop we hit up Goodcents to grab sandwiches for the next park...Heritage Park.
There was a birthday party so we didn't play very long. But we hit up the bathrooms and then to another climbing park in Heritage.
These girls were to cute holding hands.
Cool spider web playground...not so easy for Ella though.
We headed home for a little bit then hit the road one more time to Jeff's parents house for the Gender Reveal Party!!
Well we barely made it since Ella was having a melt down and not being very nice, but luckily once we got there she settled down.
We were super excited to find out what the little baby was and it is a....BOY!!!!
Jeff was happy...Sasha not as much, but she will deal with it! I am soooo excited...I can't wait to have a little nephew! He is going to be adorable.
Oh Mayva you are too cute!

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