Friday, August 25, 2017

August 7th (Last Day St. Louis)

On our way to go get some yummy donuts we smelled the other day.

 Fun fountains in the city.
Just some pictures of the city while we walked.
Crazy construction going on.
We mad it to the little hole in the wall that we smelled the other day.
 Wow can I say AMAZING donuts!! Too bad they aren't closer. We are donut people!!
We got everything ready and loaded up to head to the Cahokia Mounds...were Indians used to live..its super close over the bridge to Illinois.

 We are here and ready to explore and get our education on...hahha!!
They had cakes all around the city celebrating 250 years! Pretty cool.
Now time to go into the museum to see how the Indians lived.
 The way the mounds used to look when the Indians used to live here.
 The girls loved all the statues.

 Reading about the mound before we go up. It is one of the biggest mounds left in country.
Here we go...going up the huge mound!!
 And more stairs...I am totally out of shape.

 Family photo at the top of the mound!!
The view from the highest mound!! 
 Now time to go back should be easier than when we came up!
Bye bye St. Louis time to head home.

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