Wednesday, August 2, 2017

August 1st (Antioch Park/Johnson County Museum)

We are here finally! 
Thought we weren't going to make it to Antioch Park before school started with the heat lately, but this week it finally cooled off so we could go! We brought Daphne and Violet with us. And met Bekah, Tucker and Carder.

 Ready to have some fun.

Tucker and Carder are here.

 Playing cops!

They are in jail.

Lunch time.
After lunch we headed to the pond.

 They were super cute on the swings.
 They were excited to go across on the stepping stones.

I made them stand their to take pics.
My kids didn't listen. LOL


 We found turtles!! Yay.
 Looking at turtles.
 Headed back to play at playground a little longer.

Someone is in jail...I wonder what they did?? Hahaha.

 We ran into the Peterson's...Sarah's daughter Abby is going into 1st grade like Violet.

Bekah and her boys had left to go meet Matt for lunch but called to see if we wanted to hit up the Johnson County Museum on our way home. Well sure! And she got us in for free since they just got a pass!! Awesome.

 All the kids together at the diner!
Yum Tucker.

Ella playing doctor with another little girl. She was super sweet with Ella.

 Daphne and Violet playing doctor.

 They were all so cute together. They all played so well together.
 Carder, Daphne, Adelyn, Ella, Violet and Tucker.

What a great day with friends today. 
The kids got along super well and it was a perfect summer day!

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