Monday, August 21, 2017

August 4th (Shatto Milk/Penguin Park)

We are finally here...Shatto Milk Company. We had never been and I was super excited.
Joanne is here with Alyssa and Lillian.

The inside is super cute and fun.
Awesome old fridge.
Were you get your ice cream.

Loved the cow milk cans.

Watching the cows get milked.
We got to get our fingers sucked on by the milker and it didn't hurt at all.
All the baby cows!!
The 100 year old house were it all started!

Talking about the cows.
Time to milk the cow.
Carder and Bekah


Carissa-Bekah's sister
Petting the cows. 
Some were just born the night before.

Look at that sweet face. It was like petting a dog.

I love Ella's face!! She was so happy!

Having fun waiting to watch were they make the milk.

After our tour, milk tasting, butter tasting and cheese tasting we had our picnic lunch outside. It was the perfect day.

Time to go hit up Penguin Park which is on our way home from the Shatto Company.
Time to go play at this super cool new park we have never been too.
Wow their are some big animals here!
I had to stay close to Ella while Addie played with Nora. Their were so many people.

I couldn't get many pics of Addie, her and Nora were all over the place.

Giving the Giraffe a hug!

The girls played with a new little girl.

What a fun LONG day! The girls had so much fun at the Shatto and Penguin Park. I am exhausted...time to go home and finish packing for St. Louis tomorrow.
Each girl chose a little milk to bring home to drink.
Ella got cotton candy and Adelyn got Chocolate.
Sweet baby girl went to bed and is ready to travel tomorrow.

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