Friday, August 25, 2017

August 11th (Forrest Glen Park, Pond and Pool Playdate)

 Forrest Glen Playground. Never been here yet.
Ella still loves her some swings!
 Time to go for a walk through the woods to the pond to feed the ducks.

Oh how cute are these friends!!

 Feeding the ducks...April T was brave to take Ella out there. I stayed on dry land.

 Say Cheese Everyone! Lizzie and I are on land...luckily no one fell in!

 Ella ran right in between Violet and Lauren and wanted to hold hands! How sweet are they!!

 We headed to the Forrest Glen Pool next to swim and eat lunch. What a fun relaxing morning with friends.
Kitty Cats!! Meow!
How pretty is Ella Bella.
We are doing Pizza and a movie for dinner tonight. Nick went out of town for Darts at the lake of the Ozarks!! Girls night! Adelyn loves pizza and movie night.

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