Friday, August 11, 2017

August 2nd (Splash Pad/Cat Rescue/Tad Shaved Ice)

We like this kitty flower one.
Pretty girls.

And there is a french bull dog!! We love them.
Grandview Splash Pad with the Washington family!!
 Ella is super excited.

 Ella wouldn't leave this red hose alone...she kept taking it from other kids. Oh have to share I kept telling her.

Laughing and loving.

 Trying to take away the hose from this little boy.

Lunch break!
We splashed a little more then changed into clothes to go to the Cat Rescue to give a few donations and to pet all the cute cats!
 I forgot the big cat food from our house that I accidentally bought for Oliver so we stopped at price chopper and got litter and soft cat food. The kids were super excited to see all the cats.

We almost took this little kitty home with us...I mean really!! She was super cute and friendly.
But we are going to St. Louis soon and I still don't know if I want another cat or not. I mean I want one but do we really need to take care of another! S
Oh it was so hard to not take her!!

Jace found this adorable black kitty to love on!
We headed back towards Olathe and made a stop at Tad's for some yummy shaved ice. 
Happy girls equals happy mom!

SNAPCHAT before bed for these silly girls.
Oh no not triplets!!

We love unicorns!

I think addie and I look a like here!

Hop Hop!!
Great day with my two girlies!

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