Thursday, July 6, 2017

June 23rd-Last Day In Vegas!!

Breakfast this morning at Ocean One. Super cheap for Vegas and really good!
My waffles were amazing!!
After breakfast we decided to go rent a car and drive to Hoover Dam!
Going out to the mountains. It was nice getting off the strip and going to see some different sites!

Going through a tunnel.

Love this bridge.
We are in Arizona.
And we are at the Hoover Dam!! 
And it is a HOT one!!
We got to park in the farthest away parking lot up three flights of stairs. 
Its really beautiful here.

Love my hubby!!
Its getting hott!!

This is an awesome structure!!

1st time using a selfie stick! It works!!

After the long trek back up the stairs in the hot hot heat we headed out to go find a place to eat.

We got to drive this pretty mustang!! So much fun just us two sometimes.
We ate here and it was super good!! Homemade sandwiches!!

After we got our belly's full we headed to Red Rock Canyon.

 Yay we made it and there were other people there to take our picture!! lol.
 It's super pretty out here in the dessert...there isn't any grass!

 I guess it is Red Rock Canyon because it is red!

I took a picture of the houses around here. Clay rooftops very different around here. Everything is the same around here.
Last stop with the car is were they film the show Tanked!!
Adelyn and I watch this show about them making super awesome aquariums.
It is super close to the strip so Nick and I stopped to check it out.

This is where they actually film the show and make the stuff for their aquariums.

A turtle we found outside in the pond.

Look at this huge truck that is totally tricked out in Las Vegas!
Well we returned the car and headed to get a sweet treat for me!
This vending machine gives you a mini piece of artwork for $5! So we got one. It was a little blue bird.
Then I needed a drink...without alcohol.

One of the most amazing milkshakes ever!! It had three crushed up homemade truffles on the bottom of a chocolate milkshake. So with the big straw you got chunks with it...sooo good!
We called our new friends and met up at a bar. We walked around at different casino's nearby then went to the Bellagio since we hadn't seen the garden area yet.

 These two cuties...they had a few (lot) of drinks! Haha.

 Real flowers everywhere.
 What a great time with these two girls!

Kaydie minus her hubby.
Ok Dom I think you had a few two many.

Samantha wanted to take our picture over and over again.
 Last group photo with these amazing Las Vegas peeps! Hope to get together again one day.
Nick and I went back up to our room to pack it up. Sam and Dom went back to their place to go to sleep. Kaydie and Chad went to get food and then meet back up with us later since we were on the same flight going back to KC.
 Last photos of the strip.

 Had to get a photo of the casino in the airport. It is crazy you walk off your flight and you can start gambling right away.
Ready to get home to our little ones.
Chad told Nick to put his face in my boobs. Geez babe!!
Well we had a 12:50 flight at night to get back. We couldn't sleep on flight and by the time we got home it was 7 am our time. 
We went home and went to bed!!
Thanks for all the memories LAS VEGAS...maybe I will be back maybe not??!!

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