Monday, July 31, 2017

July 28th (Brother's Birthday/Ted Nugent Concert)

 Ella playing in the pool, not the same without sissy.

Cutest little bunny ever!

Mayva even getting involved in snapchatting!

Ell and I caught a ride with my parents to the Legends to eat at the Jazz for my brother 31st birthday.
We ate food and Nick got there right in time for the food.
After we headed to the Old Sandstone for Ted Nugent concert with Ella!
It was super nice outside...we got there an hour after the concert started so we had to park at the very back.
 Lots of cars!
Ella is excited to go to her first concert.
Yes we took Ella to the concert because we had free tickets and wanted to just go for a little while. 

Enjoying the music.

Loving the music being loud.

I brought some pink glow stuff for Ella to wear. She was super excited.

Nick hates snapchat!

 SOOOOO many people!!! The seats and lawn were all full.
 Where is Ella??

Look what Daddy got Ella. An awesome sword!!
She has been wanting one of these for a long time after we went to a neighbors house that had one.
She is super excited!!

We stayed till 10 or so. Ella was ready to go...she kept signing us "all done". Lol. Nick had to work so we left after a few songs of Ted Nugent. He is super crazy even for an old guy!! ahha. Fun night!

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