Monday, July 17, 2017

July 10th (Ozark Trip w/ me, my mom and the girls)

 We made it to the Lake of the Ozarks just at the right time...lunch time. We got culvers. And Adelyn ate a fish sandwich and loved it!! Then we headed over to The Sleep Inn to check in and get changed to head to Captain Ron's to play in the lake and eat some dinner later. My aunt Stephanie is in town so we had to come visit her and my grandma Judy.

These girls wanted to hit up the lake since we left the house.
Then they acted afraid to go in. Ha. We have been to the ocean many times and some lakes nearby.
 My mom enjoying some water in the lake to keep her cool.

 I went and grabbed some drinks for my mom and me. Yum these were super good and went down quickly.

 Going out a little further to swim!

 These girls were being so sweet with each other.

I love this shot of my girls...I wish they could stay this little and happy forever!!

Adelyn spent her time collecting rocks.

My aunt and grandma got here and it was just so hot so we headed inside to cool off and order dinner.

 Sitting on turtle benches.
 Aunt Steph, Grandma Judy and My Mom!
Adelyn loving her some sweet Steph.
We all decided on grouper for dinner except my mom who got fried lobster sandwich. The grouper was amazing fried and Adelyn got fried grouper strips...she loved for the win today for Addie!!

 Taking a picture with one of pirates!! Argh matie!!
Next up Go Carts at the Lake...a must when I was a kid! Adelyn was super excited.
 Adelyn came with me so we can go fast. Ella went with Stephanie since she was going to go slower and Adelyn wasn't having is better!!
 Ella had so much fun on her 2nd time on a go cart! Thanks Aunt Stephanie to drive with Ella.
Last stop Randy's Custard...yum o!! Yes we were all stuffed but we needed something sweet.
Ella and I shared the best one...turtle pecan!
Adelyn got chcolate with oreos, one of her favorites!
She totally stole it towards the end and ate it all before I could get another bite!! Sneeky ice cream lover like her mama.
We finally headed back to the hotel around 8 to take a quick wipe down shower and then head to bed. It was nice to just hang and watch tv in bed with my mom in the same room.

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