Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 5th (Poor Addie!!)

                 This is were the girls like to our big bed!! Ella just thinks it is the coolest!!
Last night was really really hard. Adelyn slept with me and woke up over and over again from her throat. She would cry and cry. I felt horrible for her. She just doesn't want to swallow anything. I am a little worried today, cut I will watch her and make sure she doesn't need to go into the hospital since she isn't drinking much.
 Ella has been doing really well playing by herself and letting me tend to Adelyn most of the day! I looked in Ella's room and saw her picking up her toys all by herself...what a BIG girl!!
                                                              What a cutie!!

Addie played a little bit with one of the things I got her. She also watched a bunch of movies and napped on the couch by me. It was a little hard on me running around helping Addie and making Ella happy. I was super tired today especially since I didn't get much sleep last night. Hoping day 3 gets better!

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