Monday, August 18, 2014

August 12th (Back to School Night!!)

Tonight was back to school night. Adelyn was excited to go to her school. We walked up to her school the whole family!! It wasn't that bad of a walk and we will continue to do it once school starts. Adelyn's teacher is Ms. Hickam, it is her first year teaching at Kentucky Trail but has been teaching for 8 years.
Well we entered the classroom and we gave the teacher our school supplies. I filled out paper work, while Daddy played on the floor with the girls. Adelyn played with a few kids. I knew one parent from a long time ago at Creative World, but none of Adelyn's friends are in her class.
I will admit I was super excited to meet her teacher, but was a little let down. She isn't very talkative or charismatic. I figure I will give her a chance and see...but I want the best for my little girl!!

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