Saturday, August 23, 2014


The BIGGEST watermelon EVER!!
 Yesterday we bought this watermelon at Price Chopper for only $2.99, it weighed more than Ella...huge!! Well I cut it up and gave 4 neighbors big bags full, a huge Tupperware for us, and a Tupperware for my parents house. Plus I still have 1/4 left!! lol We love Watermelon!
Time for some pool fun at Grandma and Grandpa's after school today!!
 We were in the pool, in the hot tub and back and forth...Adelyn swam a lot!! Grandma and Grandpa were so happy to see the had been 3 weeks!!
                                          Ella was so happy to see uncle stevie!!
Daddy only got to stay for a little while because he had to head to Iowa to work for Saturday and then come home Saturday night!! But we stayed and had so much fun with my family!! It was nice just hanging out..I am exhausted from the first full week of school!!

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