Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 8th (Fun Saturday!!)

                                                Look who can climb on the window seat!
                                   Oliver wanted to join her and look outside also! lol

Adelyn had a late lunch during her movie today. 1st time with the tv tray!! She loved it!

After nap it is time for Braxton's 2nd Birthday Party @ Dave's Gymnastics!
 Adelyn was off as soon as her shoes were and Ella was super excited to start in on everything!

                                                     See I can barely get Adelyn's picture!

Daddy can climb with just his arms!

                                                            Braxton...the birthday boy!

                                                 Adelyn and Rees...Braxton's older sister!
                              Mike..Braxton's day. Nick's friend that he used to work with.

 Whats funny about this picture is Adelyn looks scared but was the only one that jumped in! lol

Today we had so much fun. The girls loved playing at the gymnastic's place. It was really big and in Lee's Summit. I had never been there but liked it. We then headed into Kirkland's for the first time and loved it! Can't wait to spend some money in there! lol I think the picture below shows how the day went! lol

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