Friday, March 28, 2014

March 20th (Beautiful Day!!)

Got the Easter things out today...the girls just played and played with the eggs.
Adelyn and Jillian having fun outside...they are so cute together!
Jump jump around!
                    Ella and her boyfriend Jace...this was the cutest things. Her first ride with a boy.
He isn't that good at turning yet but Ella didn't mind what kind of driver he
I actually got a shot of all 4 of them together...super cute! Snack time!
Jillian wanted to ride with us to Culver's to meet her mom, Debbie and Jace. We ate dinner together and was also joined by their dad Jeff. Nick had to work super late...missed him.
                                                Tree Playground in Grandview, MO
Wyatt and MJ met us there?

Ella loves to swing!
                                Ella loved walking under the was pretty cool!
                                                  These 3 looked so cute!
                                                     Ella and Jace having fun.
There were huge mushrooms which Ella liked.

This afternoon we had so much fun. We headed over to the neighbors (Washington's) to hang out outside since it was so nice out. We played and had snacks. Then we decided it would be fun to go out to dinner at Culver's since the hubby's were working late. Jillian was so excited to ride with us there. We had fun eating but it was a little crazy of coarse with 4 kids...luckily we were at Culver's lol. Then Debbie's husband Jeff met us at the end and grabbed a burger. 
Last to end the fun afternoon we met Megan Wheeler and her two kids Wyatt and MJ at the new park in Grandview. It was really cool. The kids wanted to stay all night. We were there from about 7 to 8 at night. We headed home and off to bed the tired little ones went.
Great day today, fun day with friends!

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