Friday, March 28, 2014

March 21st (Oak Park Mall!!)

Ella having fun on the couch in the play place!
                    I tried to get one of them both looking and Ella just wouldn't do it!!
                                        Aunt Cindy helping Ella Bella go down the slide!

 My mom and Grandma also joined us...we got Grandma Jacky a wheel chair so she could get around more.
                                          Grandma spoiled them with a carousel ride!

            Holding one of those Australian animals...I just think it is wrong they sell those in the mall.
We had a lot of fun at the mall. The girls played and I got to shop. Then we ate lunch at Panera and looked through American Girl. We tried to go to Children's place but the girls were done for the day. Crying and stomping started going down!! to the car/naptime we go!!
                                           Adelyn's face in this

Both of his girls wanted him tonight. Daddy has been working long hours..the girls have missed him for sure.
                                               Having fun with Daddy is the best...Adelyn says!

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