Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17th (HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!)

Is Ella cute or what!! Love her little robe!

                                             St. Patrick's Day over the past 4 years!!
Oh how little Adelyn was.

Ella is here!! 2012



St. Patrick's Day Party @ the Simmons House!

 Green Food.
      Mia, Ava, Marissa, Emerson, Aubree, Taylor, Ella, Adelyn and Bridget. (Amy's kids she babysits!)

                                            Mia, Bridget and Addie...2011.
I love this shot...none of the big girls are looking and Bridget wants nothing to do with holding Emerson! lol
                                  Here they all are now, with a few extra to the mix!!
My girls and I having fun with friends.
Ella played with this stroller almost the whole time...perfect size for her.
                                         Aubree the youngest...she is so sweet and cute.

Making snow cones...great idea Amy.

We had such a fun day at the Simmons house. All the girls just played and played. We ate yummy food and talked for hours. 
 After a much needed nap for Ella, the girls had some snack and I cleaned my kitchen finally. I snuck in some cute pictures with my girlies!!
                                                       I love my beautiful girls.
Such a happy girl.

                      Cleaning up the icing from Ella's cookie she ate/got all over the table!! lol  
 Ella got so messy that she needed a Adelyn offered to help while I finished cleaning the kitchen. She did it all and it was so helpful. She will be such a great mommy one day!
Tonight for dinner I made steak kabobs...Ella wanted to hold her own and she loved every moment of it!
After dinner the girls were full and happy so off they ran. Adelyn and Ella are so cute now. They chase each other everyday! The picture above shows how much fun they were having!!
Adelyn made Ella a card saying she was sorry for tackling her when they were playing. She didn't hurt her but I told her to be more careful. She is so thoughtful!
Now I had to get my girls. Got you Ella Boo Boo!!

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